A Sports Injury Doesn’t Have to Keep You Out of the Game

Whether you play an occasional game of touch football with friends or participate in a formal league, experiencing sports injuries in Woodstown, NJ, prevents you from doing what you love. Woodstown Physical Therapy offers specific programs to help you recover from your sports injury in the least amount of time possible.

Common Sports Injuries We Treat

From concussions to a dislocated shoulder, our physical therapists have seen all types of athletic injuries. Below are several other typical sports injuries that our patients suffer.

  • Achilles tendon strain
  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Fractured or broken bones
  • Injuries to the rotator cuff
  • Slipped disc in the back
  • Sprains and strains of the extremities

These injuries and others that patients present with can happen in any type of sport. How your injury happened is not as important as getting you back on the field, court, ice, or running path.

What to Expect with Sports Medicine Physical Therapy

During your first appointment, your physical therapist will ask several questions about your injury and the limitations it places on you. We are just as eager as you are to get you back to your previous level of performance, so please spend some time discussing your goals.

Next, your physical therapist completes a detailed physical examination. He or she may ask you to complete specific tasks like running in place, reaching over your head, or bending to evaluate how well you do.

After interviewing you and completing the exam, your physical therapist creates a treatment plan that includes goals, target dates, and specific exercises for you to perform to help you recover. You will learn and practice the exercises in our office and then work on them several times a week at home.

Please contact us to learn more about specific exercises for sports injuries in Woodstown, NJ, or to request an initial consultation.